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2017-06-14 23:18

My personal views on play will shape this area of my philosophy. I believe that play can be used in a totally holistic approach to the child's developing awareness and knowledge, and that children need free play to be able to learn and develop in areas such as physical, language, creativity, problem solving and social skills. Play empowers the child to take charge of their own learning, when and wherever they may be, and play can be used as learning opportunities by family and community to connect with the child. I also believe that children learn through play how relationships with other people, places and things work, and that play has a very important role in the education of the child; it helps them make sense of the world. The child should play in whatever area they chose, decided by their interest and knowledge, and play just for itself, is a great thing for a child to indulge in and gives them opportunity to explore, investigate and participate with others. (Gee & Meredith, 1987).Our educator's role in this play based centre is very important and will be primarily based within Vygotsky's ZPD. This area of learning is where the strategies of scaffolding, modelling and co-construction will be invaluable tools for the educator as well as ensuring that adequate resources are available for putting them into action. Scaffolding will offer the educator a great opportunity to discover what the child knows and to plan for future learning experiences which will extend the child's knowledge in the areas of interest. Modelling is another strategy which the educator will use to assist the child in gaining an idea of what is required. The strategy of co-construction will give the child the opportunity to do things the way they want, or tell a story the way they want it told, with minimal assistance, but using the teachers prompts and encouragement to inspire and stimulate the thinking. (Arthur, Beecher, Death, Dockett and Farmer, 2007) Our educator will plan experiences based on the child's interests, continuing on a theme as long as it holds the attention of the child. I believe the continuation of a learning process from the early childhood setting to the home environment of the child is an important part of the child achieving their goals. For example: when a child is extending the knowledge of numbers at an early childhood centre, the educator can use items known to be in the family setting (children, animals) to help relate to the numeracy. This can then be reinforced by the family when the child is at home.
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