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2017-09-03 20:38

We also have not been studious enough to see the difference: being a university graduate does not guarantee a successful life. The pieces of evidence are here but we couldn't see. That's indoctrination. It is a gross waste of time to sit down and wait for admission when what we want to study in school is unrelated to what we really want to become, perhaps in what we are skilled.It is a lack of vision to accept a change of course just to be a university student, but our society has provided us with no other choice than to "join them if we can't beat them". Everyone just wants to answer the name "university graduate" just for the sake of it. Therefore, we forgo our visions, dump our dreams for the title that comes with certificates which we might dump in our wardrobes and not make use of for the rest of our lives. It is true no knowledge is lost but such indoctrination comes with lesser or no profit. For the records, not being a university student does not make a person less or an illiterate. Let us overcome this wrong mentality in which we have been so much enslaved.University education with a good certificate is an achievement on its own, but it is not the most accurate determinant of efficiency nor does it necessarily enhance productivity or efficiency in the labor market. Year in year out, young boys and girls register for universities entrance exams and when they fail to make the required grades, they are considered failures. The ones that are tired of trying settle for colleges of educations, technical schools or polytechnics while the so-called determined ones, most of whom have no idea what they want to do with their lives, continue in the struggle of rewriting university entrance examinations. They keep making money for the universities when it is certainly most of them have no business being university students
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