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2017-03-30 11:17

In the late eighteenth century it could be said that the central tenet of labelling theory existed in the work of Jeremy Bentham who commented that penal institutions have the power to promote offending, rather than curtail it. It can also be seen in the considerations of Henry Mayhew in the mid nineteenth century, who recognised that over zealous policing was a factor in the creation of juvenile delinquency[2]. Theorists repeatedly make claims that the criminal justice system develops deviant behaviour, rather than curtailing it. The fact that many institutionalised criminals continue and increase their criminal behaviour on release exemplifies this view.The labelling approach was later refined by Edwin Lemert who explained that it was societal reaction which caused deviation. Notably, Lemert distinguished between primary and secondary deviation. Lemert’s primary deviation consists of deviant acts before they have been publicly labelled which he referred to as spontaneous, sporadic or minor rule violations which may stem from many different sources (Lanier and Henry, 2004: 194). Lemert argued that these acts of primary deviation had ‘only marginal implications for the status and the psychic structure of the person concerned’ (Haralambos and Holborn 1995: 408). Lamert put forward that it was the societal reaction and resulting stigma that would lead to a response from the deviant. He termed this process secondary deviation; it was the identification of deviance and the reaction of this that caused the deviance. Lemert claimed ‘in effect the original “causes” of the deviation recede and give way to the central importance of the disapproving, degradational, and isolating reactions of society’ (From Haralambos and Holborn, 1995: 408). Lemert’s theory is a classic example of how labelling theorists illustrated the problematic and selective process of labelling.
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