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2017-03-23 10:10

The Nineteenth century ushered in great change through out the world, new ways of approaching life’s mysteries emerged into the main stream. The security and stability previously attained by Artists in their professional occupation was no longer available since the promise of a royal patron could not be relied upon for a living and with the emergence of capitalism and Adam Smith’s free market economic theory the prior ways of moving up into the artistic community were being replaced. Individuals were thinking of the arts as a calling, ability was beginning to be thought of as something one was born with and no longer a trainable role. The beginning of the Nineteenth century correlates with the Classical period of music, during this time the Industrial Revolution had taken hold and there was to be a second Industrial Revolution that would benefit, new ideas about politics like republicanism were forming, and the Enlightenment philosophy was in full swing. The individual and their capabilities, the role, the rights, and the man’s place in Nature were all pulled into high focus and the glorious ideals of the Social Contract was finding purchase both in America and France. The Arts shifted from portraying idealistic and artificial representations to naturalistic renderings of the world they were experiencing around them, this can be seen in the painting and sculpture of the period. The Romantic period grew out of the Classical era, with focus being directed at humanity and the role humans play the understanding and skepticism began to thread the way intellectual circles. One radical concept introduced during the time was Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species. Art was even farther removed from functional roles and the aesthetic worth of art became appreciated for its own sake. The musical sphere was not beyond the influences of these social changes.
- 上一篇:加拿大作业代写:音乐论文片段
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