
2017-02-27 12:38



Another example is the different habitus of children grown up in different background. A child brought up by artistic parents usually display better artistic tastes than someone lives in a peasants family, and is often better than who brought up by a millionaire who becomes rich overnight. This is understandable as artistic parents can influence their children through their daily conversation, the music they listen, the books they read, etc., and they are usually affluent enough to afford courses on arts for their children. The differences between these families not only lie on economical factor which Bourdieu defines as “capital”, but also on competitive arenas that capital struggles, which Bourdieu suggests as “fields”. That is why the habitus of children from artistic families and rich but vulgar ones would differ. Only when the capital is invested and transformed into strength in specific fields, like the artistic field for example, can the disposition of habitus be transformed. Similarly, a child from peasant family may not show noble taste on arts, but his habitus is probably more welcomed in a market.