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澳洲论文代写 苹果战略
2016-12-22 11:10

本质上产品研发组织和合成产品创新支付,这是明显的从苹果的市场份额,以极高的速度增长。然而,在未来这将是该组织完全难以继续主导产业。这是由于这样的事实,一方面微软和诺基亚已加入手Windows Mobile的开发和营销,品牌的智能手机将直接与iPhone竞争,而另一方面,个人电脑市场领导人正在努力很难建立他们的脚在手机市场和新兴技术市场(Kingsley-Hughes,2010)。此外,谷歌Android,现在有一个占主导地位的智能手机市场份额可能会进一步加强其在消费电子产品的地位。此外日本消费电子产品可能强烈反应市场动态和变化也可能对苹果构成威胁。反过来,这意味着苹果在未来可能在其核心领域面对日益激烈的竞争,保证公司应该提出一个不同的策略。
基本上如果苹果希望确保组织能继续建立其市场份额,以及享受同样的消费者市场热情的组织需要一点变化和变异策略。公司应当直接研发和工程努力创造卓越和创新产品,享受同样的但是应该争取方式公司可能会进一步降低其单位成本和节省成本的一部分应转嫁给消费者(Knnear et al .,2008)。而不是总是优越的价格收费组织提供不同的产品,小的组织应该收费价格从目前水平降低(沙尼& Chalasani,1992)。此外,该策略在苹果目前反映了创造力和创新应该指向创新、产品设计、增值效益和客户服务。如果这种方法已被选为组织,该公司可以继续获得消费者的热情在市场动态变化所带来的好处(科特勒&阿姆斯特朗,2008)。
澳洲论文代写 苹果战略
In addition, Apple's strategy over the years have been to follow a closed system, as the PC produced by the organization as well the consumer electronics used the operating system that Apple produced exclusively for the product (Taylor, 2011). On the other hand, the rest of the players in the market are using an open system, where consumer could make the choice of the operating system. The same could be said regarding the new mobile phones marketed by Apple at the time of launch as such mobile phones are sold along with the mobile connection and historically the AT&T connections were sold along with Apple. This means that a consumer does not have the choice to select a mobile network according to his or her own choice. For this strategy, different consumers groups as well as marketing experts usually criticize Apple and has now been somewhat changed for products that are marketed in other countries or products that have moved to the growth stage. However, in the future if the organization opts for this strategy at the time of launch the organization may not be in position to accomplish the targets that the firm is used throughout its history.
Essentially if Apple wishes to ensure that the organization could continue building its market share, as well as enjoy the same consumer enthusiasm in the market the organization need a little change and variation in its strategy. The firm should direct its R&D and engineering efforts towards the creation of products that enjoy the same innovation and excellence however the firm should strives for ways in which the firm could further decrease its per unit cost and a part of such savings in the cost should be passed on to consumers (Knnear et al., 2008). Rather than always charging superior prices for all the different products that the organization offer, the organization should charge prices that are little decreased from the present level (Shani & Chalasani, 1992). In addition, the strategy across the Apple which now reflects creativity and innovation should be directed towards innovation, product designing, value-added benefits and customer services. If such an approach has been selected for the organization, the firm could continue reaping the benefits of consumer enthusiasm in the changing market dynamics (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008).
Such a strategy will involve a little repositioning effort along with some minor modification in the firm's strategy. Most of the efforts at Apple are directed towards product innovation these days, and the firm could continue with such strategy however the firm should not ignore the fact that economies in different field of the organization processes are necessary in order to remain competitive in the market. In addition, as the technological race will continue to touch new boundaries in the future, the organization could not sacrifice the R&D across the firm. The way could be to work for the economies of scale that could be realized only if the organization took some steps that could enable Apple to get out of the niche marketing strategy towards the market segmentation approach. Rather than targeting a very limited market, Apple should look for targeting a broader segment which could be only make possible if the firm could decrease its prices below the current level that will results in deeper penetration and increase in sales that will essentially enable Apple to ascertain economies of large scale.
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