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2017-03-03 16:11

The decision was made not reform overriding interests as suggested by the law commission, rather parliament decided to phase out archaic rights and create two schedules dealing with overriding interests. Schedule 1 deals with overriding interests that will remain to be binding, which includes actual occupation. Therefore it seems that problems discussed are still very real; however Schedule 3 deals with the limitations on certain overriding interests listed in Schedule 1 and one of these are the actual occupation interests. The limitations that are most important to this discussion on the interest succeeding are in respect to those where inquiry has been made and that individual has failed to disclose; and those individuals who are not in obvious occupation on careful inspection. Therefore this would cause significant problems with the cases of Chhokar[9], Cheshire Homes[10] and Tizard[11] because at the point of sale and enquiry there was no obvious proof of actual occupation. The case of Chhokar in the interests of equity may have the same outcome post-2002 as both the seller and buyer were acting fraudulently to sell the house without Mrs. Chhokar’s knowledge whilst she was on holiday; however under normal circumstances if the buyer was without fraudulent motive and the husband had hidden her occupation this would result in an inequity under the new law. Therefore this will cause major problems with the 2002 act and the rights of actual occupation. As well as ensuring that the law is predictable, i.e. the law is like a mirror, like cases equal like treatment and outcomes.
The actual law therefore has tried to deal with the suggested changes of the Law Commission, as well as considering the problems with registering all interests. Rather the numbers of interests that override have been reduced and it provides a manner in which subsequent purchasers and creditors have not been bound. In respect to the notion of actual possession the law has been defined, whereby if possession is not apparent on a reasonable exploration of the property there is no possession. This would be interesting if one considers the case of Malory v Cheshire Homes Ltd[12] this has caused an interesting problem, because the Court of Appeal held that there could be actual possession of vacant land; however how can one explore vacant land and find a reasonable circumstances of possession? This decision by the Court of Appeal is contrary to the LRA 2002, which was prior to its inception. The law reform has tried to balance out the problems with overriding interests, but is it enough to protect the buyer and those persons whom hold beneficial interest in property?
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