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奥克兰教育学代写 体育运动
2020-10-31 19:35

奥克兰教育学代写 体育运动
The term “Redshirting” comes from college athletics, where coaches delay some athletes’ participation on a team until their sophomore year, when they are called “redshirt freshmen” and have better-developed skills. The belief in kindergarten is that this delay will allow the child to grow physically, cognitively, and emotionally, making their eventual kindergarten experience more successful (Gonzalez 2016). Nearly all children entered kindergarten at age five, but a recent scholarly article accounted a New York Times article that noted in 2008, 17 percent of kindergarten entrants were at least six years old (Paul 2010). The shift towards later school entry is partially explained by changes in school entry laws, but may also be due to an increase in the prevalence of redshirting (Deming & Dynarski 2008). Some other accounts suggest parents increasingly delay kindergarten entry because they believe their child is not developmentally ready for the increasing demands of (Deming & Dynarski 2008). Others argue that redshirting reflects parents’ strategic desire to ensure their child enters kindergarten older, taller, and with higher levels of social and cognitive skills than their schoolmates (Paul 2010). Kindergarten today is very different from the kindergarten that is was 20 to 25 years ago. Many schools have gotten rid of play programs in schools and have switched over to a more direct instruction and regular testing school, in part thanks to the pressure to improve grade-school test scores. As seen in multiple different teacher blogs online, teachers are calling kindergarten, the new first grade.
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