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新西兰奥克兰作业代写 探索性研究
2020-06-11 23:59

新西兰奥克兰作业代写 探索性研究
An examination of Posttraumatic Growth and Posttraumatic Depreciation: Two exploratory studies. This journal was of interests as it raised the question in the last paper regarding the conceptualising thriving in clinical contexts re distress and growth coexisting and introduces the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. The hypothesis for this research is that people experience both growth and depreciation following a stressful event. The implications for these were discussed.There are two instruments used for measuring PTG and PTD in this review, the Stress Related Growth Scale (SRGS) (Park, Cohen and Murch 1996) and the Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) (Tedeschi and Calhoun 1996). The scales had proved successful as responses from those close to the individual agreed the outcome of the tests agreed with how they found their relative/friend to be.Limitations of the scales are that the individual only gets to report on the positives of their growth and not the negative aspects. From this further scales had been developed that measure both positive and negative effects, The Changes in Outlook Questionnaire (Joseph et al, 1993) although this appeared consistent and reliable it was found to be vulnerable of the same critique as individuals could not report depreciation in the domains as the growth items. The question is can individuals report both growth and depreciation when experiencing a traumatic event?The two studies investigated in this journal were designed to answer four questions; 1) when provided with the opportunity to record both growth and depreciation in both domains will individuals report both? 2) if both are reported will there be a difference in the amount of growth to depreciation? 3) what is the relationship between growth and depreciation? And finally 4) what are the consequences if any of the order of which they are presented.
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