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2020-01-14 18:22

In response to this growing threat, most States’ policy frameworks and practices have subscribed to the beliefs formed since Westphalia treaties of 1648 on state sovereignty which give to the State the exclusive power and responsibility to respond to all security threats occurring on the territory under its jurisdiction. This understanding has led some states to believe that they can deal with all security threats including cybercrimes with little or no involvement of stakeholders. However, the scale, the dynamic nature and risks that cybercrimes present to both State and non-State actors including individuals make it apparent that it is increasingly difficult to ignore the role of private stakeholders in developing common initiatives and measures that enable effective combating of cybercrimes on a national, regional and global level .The overriding importance of stakeholders’ partnership in ensuring cyber-security has also been underscored in the United Kingdom (UK) National Cyber Security Strategy (2016-2021) which recognises that the government alone cannot provide all aspects of the nation’s cyber security and that an embedded and sustainable approach is needed where citizens, industry and other partners in society and government, play their full part in securing the county networks, services and data. Garland cited in (MICHAEL & MATTHEW, 2013:2) argues that “this recognition of the limits of policing and of other state agencies promotes governing strategies that rely on ‘responsibilising’ private actors and civil society to govern their own spaces in crime and disorder reduction efforts”. The two scholars are of the view that this applies as well to the domain of cybercrime and cybersecurity because the challenge posed by cybercrime cannot be met by the police alone and the expertise required must be brought in from outside the police.