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2019-08-29 19:16

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December was also touted as a way to create more jobs, drive U.S. economic growth and level the playing field with companies based outside the United States. Corporations are now paying significantly less taxes; it have decreased by $ 275 billion, since tax cuts were introduced less than a year ago. This means that corporations have additional funds — higher profits and lower taxes — that could potentially affect the increase in employee wages. It decreased the corporate income tax from 35 to 21 percent and charges multinationals a one-time tax on profits held overseas. The companies could plow more of the money saved from sweeping tax cuts into business investment later this year, perhaps even surpassing a jump in first-quarter capital expenditure that was the highest in almost seven years. If many companies invest then aggregate supply increase.According to Trump’s plan, tax reform should encourage US corporations to increase investment, including by repatriating enterprises and making a profit, or some part of them. Companies in the IT sector that make extensive use of offshore schemes and concentrate profits abroad in order not to pay high taxes in the United States should carry out repatriation. If American corporations decide to transfer production and profits to the United States, their shareholders and the state will benefit through the tax system. For example, after signing the law on tax reform: the Boing Company announced an increase in the wages of its employees for a total amount of $ 300 million. Leaders of International Forest Products announced their intention to build a multi-paper mill in North Carolina that will create hundreds of jobs. Moreover, there are many of such examples.