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2019-02-05 23:25

This case is challenging Section B in order to obtain access to the airport for the welcome-home gathering. It is also challenging the use of Section B as a means of contradicting the first amendment that guarantees freedom of speech including freedom of association and political freedom. The State of Maryland’s Department of Transportation denied the groups of fans permission to have a public gathering at the airport. If the court upholds this decision, it is going to affect current issues and business laws in different ways. First of all, the first amendment prohibits the US government and the states government from forbidding assembly and speech by imposing putting restraints. In The Hague v. CIO case, the Supreme Court upheld the freedom to assemble by siding with the CIO with its intended activity of peaceably distributing literature and organizing labor meetings .The Supreme Court therefore ruled in the CIO favor showing that the city ordinance violated the First Amendment. The government may limit speech or assembly only when the speech or assembly has a compelling interest like presenting a potential harm to the general public . Section B tends to violate this law as it prohibits public gathering of the rock star fans as well as his intended public speech. A regulation that limits space, time and manner of assembly or speech may be allowed in some instances mostly in security instances. In the case of Big Bad Bruce’s fans, Section B clearly violated the First Amendment act by prohibiting public gathering anywhere in the airport. Even though airports are not considered public spaces, they are still spaces that the public own. Since the purpose of this law is mainly to decongest the airport and enable smooth running of activities and operations, the fans had the right to assemble as long as they did not cause congestion or interfere with smooth operations of the airport
- 上一篇:新西兰奥克兰代写作业:抗生素细菌
- 下一篇:新西兰奥克兰代写作业:视频点播行业