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2018-08-10 16:21

A new prospect by the Australian government will have new teachers who have graduated from university undergo a literacy and numeracy test to show that they are at a competent level to teach students. Students leaving university will be required to place in the top 30% to pass. EDU114 is a current course at the University of the Sunshine Coast which is helping aspiring teachers to get ready for life in the classroom. In this course, one of our tasks is to form a personal develop plan to help us achieve our goals to pass the literacy and numeracy test in 4 years. I have undergone four practice literacy tests and four practice numeracy tests. Below are my results and my personal development plan to help me lift my results to become a successful and competent teacher.Literacy was done first so I will examine my results for these test first. I have averaged out all my results for the four tests to make them easier to analyse then broken the tests down into sections. These sections are: spelling, punctuation, grammar, comprehension and total score. My total score for the four tests averaged out to be 70.5. If we are to assume that anything over 70 would be top 30% then I have just scraped in. The main section holding me back has been comprehension with a low score of 59 while my best scoring section was grammar which was 78. Spelling and punctuation were 67.5 and 76.5 respectively. If I am to improve on these numbers one of my goals is to move my comprehension score from a 59 to a 75 by the end of the second semester. To do this I will be keeping a reading journal by my side when I read books, whether it be recreational or for study. By keeping a reading journal and taking notes, it will force me to absorb what I am reading rather than just taking in words. By handwriting in a journal, it forces me to use the correct spelling without the help of auto correct on the computer which will also improve my spelling. By repeating this same test in 8 months' time, it will give me a greater understanding of my improvement in all areas while at the same time being a long enough time for me not to remember the answers.