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2018-07-27 14:23

Nevertheless most aspects of the environment do not operate as influence until they are activated by appropriate behaviour. Observing to previews research, children development also depends on parent-child relationship. It is one of the most of important aspects which should be taken into account for individual differences in early social-cognitive performance. Horrid Henry’s birthday story gives a very good opportunity to discuss good and bad behaviour for both child and parents and also relationship. The relationship between parents and young children is one of the most powerful factor in a child growth and development. During the early years parents are the centre of a young child’s universe. The type of attachment relationship that a child forms with his parents actually helps shape connections related to language, thinking, behaviours and emotions. Horrid Henry birthday story proves that parents had a role as well on their child behaviour because of parent’s attitude about their son’s birthday was not reliable. They started to complain about the place and the how it would cost when the child told them about the coming birthday therefore it was not surprise when everything started to go wrong at the party. According to family systems theory (Minuchin & Fishman, 1981), broader factors that influence the parent also can affect the dynamics between parents and children. For instance parental stress could become a major force contributing to adaptive, and maladaptive, child development. Parenting stress is one of many factors aspects that can influence a child behaviour and development such for parent suffering high levels of stress, mainly from economic difficulties, normally are less responsive and affectionate with their children. This proves that parenting stress could negatively affects a child’s social cognitive development
- 上一篇:新西兰奥克兰作业代写:反思日志
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