
2018-07-23 10:59

A reflective journal can be used to record all of events of concerns just after the lesson. This may include theories, political ideologies, research notes, and personal comments. Thorpe (2004) suggests that journals and diaries be maintained through-out the course or for a long period of time to allow consistency. Observations were conducted through-out the placement period with my mentor in classroom providing guidance on the sport. Where official observations were carried records were kept which I then used to improve my next lesson.In our placement due to hearing impairments photos that include the teacher and the learner could be used as evidence. Analysing my own personal photos working with learners, in my own time allowed me to view my practice in a different way. Another easier way of using reflective practice is story telling with peers. Self-evaluation of own practice and behaviours that are closely linked to the practice helps us to understand what works best. Taking a pause during these sessions helped me to drastically change my practice and began to see learners asking questions freely.