
2017-05-13 06:05

Cunningham et al (2003) observed that students are more inclined to concentrate more due to the size and visual nature of the whiteboard. Most children are able to be visually stimulated although each individual is able to learn in a variety of different ways. Gardiner (1983) suggested that there are a number of different bits of intelligence which influenced our preferred learning style; linguistic, musical, mathematical-logical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Clearly, a number of these learning styles can be catered for through the use of IWBs. Linguistic learners are good with words - these are used all the time on the whiteboards; they can be motivated through the use of word games and word searches on the IWB. Musical intelligence can be catered for through the use of music alongside visual stimuli such as newsreel footage or colors to convey feeling. The IWB can be used extensively to motivate the mathematical-logical learner who likes nothing more than being able to locate patterns in things - shapes, for example, can be identified in buildings and architecture and drawn over the picture that is on the whiteboard. Spatial learners are stimulated through the use of pictures and photographs to aid their memory or as a starting point for a discussion or the writing of a story; they like diagrams, flow charts and mind maps. The bodily-kinesthetic learner is sometimes very difficult to cater for in the classroom environment as they prefer to be 'hands on' - the IWB is ideal for this sort of learner as it enables them to touch and manipulate the material with which they are dealing through exercises involving movement and touch. Those who display a naturalist intelligence can be encouraged through regular visits to websites that concentrate on wildlife conservation that can be shown in the classroom on the big screen - clearly, this will not replace being outside but it does go some way to addressing their particular needs.