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2017-04-11 00:19

The importance of branding in a late-capitalist / postmodern consumer society, it has been argued, has significant precedence over the actual realities of the tangible product itself. This is the central basis of Naomi Klein’s paradigm-shifting book, No Logo, which focuses on the branding culture and the postmodern culture of emptiness in which the brand operates. She argues that the physical attributes of the brand are no longer applicable, and that the illusory nature of the brand in and of itself has become the most important factor in the development of what the product represents. The materiality of the product is almost seen as a burden in postmodern corporate cultures: “Nike, which began as an import / export scheme of made-in-Japan running shoes and does not own any of its factories, has become a prototype for the product-free brand” (198). It is the nature of these “product-free brands” that Klein investigates, and her persuasive argument is that the resistance to branding through anti-corporate and anti-globalisation movements, as well as the inability for “cool-hunters” to incorporate and co-opt the resistance movement as was previously the case with other dissident groups, has led to a situation that she describes as the “ground zero of the cool hunt”. Because the cutting edge of advertising and marketing is now situated within the realms of resistant movements that specifically target the emptiness of the “product-free brand”, marketers and corporate branders that had previously existed to exploit and capitalise upon psychological weaknesses of consumers and the lack of transparency between the tangible product and the philosophies that they could artificially project through the abstraction of the brand, Klein argues that brands have hit a brick wall. Her argument is that the ever more resistant consumer will eventually be able to see beyond the brand’s identity, that companies such as Nike and Coca-Cola, who offer what they call a “market-driven” (198) product is in the process of imploding under the weight, or (more aptly), the weightlessness of its own illusion.