新西兰惠灵顿代写 纪录片

2020-03-16 07:00

纪录片是严格意义上的非虚构的作品、无剧本的报道和真实的艺术作品。随着电影越来越多地以故事为基础和脚本化,使用了各种摄影技巧和知名演员,纪录片从一开始就走向了新的方向,采取了许多形式——其中一些被贴上了不客观的标签,并受到议程的驱动。纪录片不同,不同类别的电影在一把雨伞,如自然或科学相关主题的纪录片(史蒂夫·欧文/大卫·阿滕伯勒/ Bear Grylls /北方的北极熊),传记电影(一个人的生活/家庭如斯蒂芬霍金的“时间简史”,一个“休克”游记(绝对的甘蔗)等等。纪录片类别包括正式组织的电影和非脚本电影。这个词据说是第一个用英语先锋真实生活的电影,约翰·格里尔生家族的人被认为是传统纪录片的开国元勋之一观点纪录片应该展示的事实,然而,不禁止创新,创造性的膜材料和逼真的过程。1922年,随着罗伯特·j·弗莱赫蒂(Robert J. Flaherty)的《北方的纳努克》(Nanook of the North)的上映,这部纪录片抓住了感伤主义;弗莱厄蒂接着拍摄了各种组织严谨的感情片,这些影片往往表明,他的研究对象本来可以早活100年,而现在他们却活在那个时代。这部纪录片已经成为一部社会承诺和明确无误愿景的电影的领跑者。纪录片的兴起更多地是受到互联网等网站的推动;在YouTube和Facebook上,嘲弄、半、半、伪和纯蓝色纪录片、抓住新结构和处理要点的做法激增。人们可以在他们的手机上制作自己的纪录片,这些纪录片可以在几天内迅速传播开来,并研究大量的人。(Ellis, Jack C. 2005)网站链接允许业余纪录片制作者轻松地分享他们的作品,而不需要以dvd的形式。通过互联网,业余纪录片制作者可以接触到世界各地的观众,再加上大众对优质内容的渴望,以及清晰的观点和选择性的梦想,这将会提升这些纪录片的可信度,为创作者塑造一个光明活泼的未来。
新西兰惠灵顿代写 纪录片
Documentary films are strictly non-fictional bodies of work, unscripted reports and factual works of art. As films became more story-based and scripted, using various camera tricks and high-profile actors, documentaries went into new directions and took many forms since their early inception – some of which have been labelled as non-objective and driven by agendas.Documentary films have a varied and diverse category of films underneath its an umbrella, such as Nature or Science related themed documentaries (Steve Irwin / David Attenborough / Bear Grylls / Nanook of the North), Biographical films (about the life/family of an individual such as Stephan Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time”, A ‘Shock’ Travelogue (Mondo Cane) and more.The documentary category incorporates formally organised and non-scripted films. The term is said to have been first used by English pioneer of the true to life film, John Grierson, who is considered one of the founding fathers of traditional documentary for his perspectives that documentary film should exhibit fact, however, not to the prohibition of innovative, creative treatment of the film materials and true to life procedures.With Robert J. Flaherty’s Nanook of the North in 1922, the documentary film grasped sentimentalism; Flaherty proceeded to film various intensely organised sentimental films, more often than not indicating how his subjects would have lived 100 years sooner and now how they lived right at that point. The documentary has turned into the leader for a film of social commitment and unmistakable vision. The rise of documentaries was driven even more so by the internet sites such as; YouTube and Facebook where deride, semi, semi-, pseudo and true-blue documentaries, grasping new structures and handling crisp points, proliferate. People can make their own documentaries on their phones and these can become viral in days and research masses of people. (Ellis, Jack C. 2005) Website links allow amateur documentary makers to effortlessly share their work without it needing to be in the form of DVDs for example. The internet allows amateur documentary makers to reach viewers from all around the world, together with the masses yearning for good content with crisp points of view and elective dreams, which would give these documentaries a credibility boost and shape a bright and lively future for the creator.