新西兰assignment代写 GRE衡量标准

2020-12-25 23:28

必须分析和研究几个变量,以帮助院长决定是否继续使用GRE作为衡量成功的标准,或完全将其从研究生入学要求中消除。为了给院长进行全面的分析,必须研究四个方面(变量):1)学生性别,2)当前和将来学生的GPA,3)当前和将来学生的GRE分数,以及4)研究生完成率。这些变量中的每一个都必须通过特定的统计算法进行分析,以使机构能够正确读取所需的结果。一旦计算出建议书,就必须编写并提交给院长。提案的分析将使教务长可以查看GPA和GRE分数之间的关系,性别,GPA和GRE分数之间的关系以及涉及性别,GRE分数和完成频率的关系。另外,最终分析将根据新董事收集的信息根据分析结果向院长提出建议。当主任开始调查研究时,他们必须从收集与前面提到的四个变量有关的数据开始,但更重要的是,要了解变量本身。在能够分析不同部分之前,院长希望主任研究一下,必须首先了解接下来的计算中将使用的每个变量,GPE,GRE分数,性别和完成频率。学生的GPA会根据学生在评估中表现出色的能力来显示其在课堂上的成功。此刻度基于0到4点刻度。这是学生学习生涯的累计分数。通过荣誉或预科课程(AP),学生可以获得GPA 5.0或更高的水平(Caskie,Sutton和Eckhardt,2014年)。相反,GRE是一项累积测试,显示学生保留和使用所学信息的能力。它测试批判性思维以及分析,口头和定量推理技能(Wao,Ries,Flood,Lavy和Ozbek,2016年)。其次,性别通常用受试者是男性还是女性来标记。最后,完成频率显示学生是否能够成功完成学位,或者他们是否无法完成学位。这些变量中的每一个都将在计算中发挥作用。 GRE和GPA通常是因变量,而性别和完成频率则是自变量。了解了每个变量的含义之后,现在该导演开始收集数据了。
新西兰assignment代写 GRE衡量标准
Several variables must be analyzed and researched in order to help the dean decide whether or not to continue using the GRE as a measurement of success or eliminate it completely from graduate school admissions requirements.  In order to give the dean a well-rounded analysis, four areas (variables) must be researched: 1) student gender, 2) the GPA of current and future students, 3) the GRE scores for current and future students, and 4) the graduate degree completion frequency.  Each of these variables must be analyzed through specific statistical algorithms in order for the institution to have a proper reading of the desired outcome.  Once it is calculated, a proposal must be written and presented to the dean.  The proposal’s analysis will allow the dean to see the relationships between GPA and GRE scores, the relationship between gender, GPA, and GRE scores, and the relationship involving gender, GRE scores, and frequency of completion.  Also, a final analysis will show recommendations to the dean based on the findings of this analysis based on the information gathered by the new director.  As the director begins their investigative study, they must start with the gathering of data pertaining to the four variables previously mentioned, but more importantly, understanding the variables themselves.Before being able to analyze the different parts the dean wishes the director to look into, one must first understand each and every one of the variables which will be used in the coming calculations, the GPE, GRE scores, gender, and completion frequency.  A student’s GPA shows the success of a student in the class based on their ability to do well on assessments.  This scale is based on a 0 to 4-point scale.  It is a cumulative score over the student’s learning career.  Through honors or Advance Placement (AP) courses, students can obtain a 5.0 or higher GPA (Caskie, Sutton, & Eckhardt, 2014).  Conversely, the GRE is a cumulative test which shows how well the students retain and use learned information.  It tests critical thinking, as well as analytical, verbal, and quantitative reasoning skills (Wao, Ries, Flood, Lavy, & Ozbek, 2016).  Next, gender is usually labeled by whether the subject is a male or female.  And finally, the completion frequency shows if a student was able to complete their degree successfully or if they were unable to complete the degree.  Each of these variables will play a part in the calculations.  GRE and GPA will usually be dependent variables while gender and completion frequency will be the independent variables.  With the understanding of what each variable means, it is now time for the director to begin collecting data.
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