
2019-05-08 15:21

残疾的社会模式也为包容提供了框架。有了这种模式,孩子们就会感到被重视,他们会得到照顾。可以向学校提供适当的资源,教师也可以得到发挥其作用所需要的资源。该模型表明,这使得多样性受到欢迎,因此将促进社会朝着更好的方向变化。为了加强这一模式,我们建议教师的态度和他们欢迎有特殊教育经历的孩子并让他们融入班级社区的意愿是非常重要的。有特殊教育经历的学生必须感到被接受。这可以从Avramidis & Norwich, 2002年的研究中看出(Sharma, Forlin, Loreman & Earle, 2006)。另一些研究表明,当教师对包含教学策略持积极态度时,所使用的教学策略对班上的每个人都有好。这样的老师还能影响正常发展的鼓励态度学生向其他同行SEN .需要资金干预工作,因此申请正确的尸体从政府和教育和图书馆董事会将提前进行干预。
The Social Model of Disability also provides framework for inclusion. With this model the child is made to feel valued and that they will be taken care of. The appropriate resources can be made available to the schools and the teachers receive what they need to play their part. The model suggests that this enables diversity to be welcomed and therefore will promote a change in society for the better. Strengthening this Model, it’s suggested that for inclusion to be successful the teachers’ attitudes and their readiness to welcoming the children with SEN and to involve them in their class community are extremely important. The students with SEN must feel accepted. This can be seen from work carried out by Avramidis & Norwich, 2002 ( Sharma, Forlin, Loreman & Earle, 2006). Others have shown that when a teacher has a positive attitude towards inclusion the instructional strategies that are used benefit everyone in that class. (Bender, Vail & Scott, 1995; Brophy & Good, 1991). Such teachers are also able to influence encouraging attitudes in the typically developing students on towards their fellow peers with SEN .There would need to be funding for the intervention to work, therefore applying to the correct bodies from Government and The Education and Library Board would be carried out in advance of the intervention.