management assignment代写:活动策划

2017-02-28 17:11

活动策划侧重于某一特定事件的策划过程,如会议、圣诞功能、时装表演、婚礼或古董博览会,以达到其目标和目标。活动策划者的任务包括:选择活动地点和目的地,创建活动设计与布局,研究、安排餐饮、装饰、娱乐等活动。协调与事件的个人和监督整个项目也是策划者的角色的一部分。规划过程的要素包括目标、计划、组织、实施和撤资。事件策划涉及大量的组织和社区,事件管理者能够处理压力和努力工作,必须与他们进行有效的计划沟通。事实上,事件策划是耗费时间和大量的工作。事件管理是由多个管理领域,包括计划、领导、营销设计、控制、预算、风险管理、物流、分期和评价(鲍丁,艾伦,Harris,麦克唐奈,那个,2008)。项目管理是一个非常重要的事件是创造独特的事件的目的。它不仅是关于如何发展的事件,但也必须认识到事件的影响,最近的问题和未来。必须考虑到对事件的影响。社会,文化,政治,经济,物流和环境问题是影响的一部分。 一个事件集中在一个特定的目的,它有自己的使命,目标,政策和结构,以达到有效性和成功。一个特殊的活动,如婚礼或其他重大场合举行一次在生命的时间,它应该是完美的最佳记忆。在每一个事件的明确声明的目的,愿景和使命应提供。事件的组织和策划应由过程和系统等质量管理控制。创意、创新和挑战都要总结,这样公司的声誉策划和形象策划会起到积极的作用,以后会有更多的机会过来。

management assignment代写:活动策划

Event planning focus on the planning process of a specific event such as conference, Christmas function, fashion show, wedding or antique fair, to achieve it targeted objective and goal. The tasks of the event planner include choosing a venue and destination for the event, creating event design and layout, researches, arranging the food and beverage, decoration, and also entertainment. Coordination with the event personal and supervising the whole project are also the part of the role of the planner. The elements of the planning process include objectives, planning, organization, implement and divestment. Event planning deals with a lot of organization and community and the event managers who can handle the pressure and work hard have to communicate with them for the effective planning. Actually event planning is time consuming and a lot of works. Event management is made up of a number of management areas including planning, leading, marketing design, control and budgeting, risk management, logistics, staging and evaluation (Bowdin, Allen, O'Toole, Harris, McDonnell, 2008).The project management is very vital to an event as it is the purpose of creating the unique event. It is not only about how to develop the event but also the impacts of the event have to be recognized for recent issue and future. The impacts of/ to event have to be take into account. Social, cultural, political, economic, and logistic and environmental issues are the part of the impacts.
An event focus on a specific purpose and it has own mission, objectives, policies, and structure to achieve effectiveness and success. A special event such as wedding or other significant occasion held once in a life time and it should be perfect for the best memory. In every event a clear statement of purpose, vision and mission should be provided. The organizing and planning of the event should be control by quality management such as procedure and system. Creativity, innovative and challenge should be summed, so that the reputation and image of the event planning of the company would be positively effect and in the future, the more opportunity will come over.
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