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2017-01-18 10:54
正如早些时候,笔者一直在不同课程团队的一部分,有些无疑是无比,实质上促成了笔者的专业发展(德班,2007)。然而,有一些情况下,团队的任务是非常无聊的主要目标,这样的团队形成了牺牲。在前一个学期,作者是团队的一部分,在性质上是多元化的,作为团队成员的随机选择,而不考虑组凝聚力。从一开始,球队的痛苦,最终导致非常糟糕的课程成绩的主题。但是,如果有效地利用多样性在大多数情况下是协同、创新和更好的解决问题,但是如果团队成员缺乏共同愿景和误传,最终导致解体的努力基本上导致了作家成绩非常糟糕以及其余的团队成员(George &琼斯,2005)。 笔者从上述经验中得出结论,小组组长应确保本集团内适当的民主进程,而每一位成员都应受到尊重.。努力应该朝向建立相互信任和支持(2003艾尔维森&威尔莫特)。这个因素的重要性进一步增加时,集团成员属于不同的文化有不同的注意事项。更好的沟通是指通过该组的成员不仅能更好地了解其他团队成员的不同文化因素,也可以看作是一个意味着通过它的组每个成员都可以让别人去了解其他人的文化(Gersick,1988)。然而,为了实现这一目标,应该有适当的沟通渠道,每个人都应该给组的机会来表达他或她的内在存在。不幸的是,提到的小组缺少这一基本属性,也许这就是该组完成非常低的成绩的原因。卧龙岗代写assignment:团队小组
As pointed earlier, the writer of this paper has been a part of different coursework teams, some which were undoubtedly matchless and that essentially contributed to the professional development of the writer (Durban, 2007). However, there were some occasions when the task of the team were very boring the major objectives for which such teams were formed were sacrificed. During the previous semester the writer was a part of team that was diverse in nature, as the members of the team were selected randomly without any regard to the group cohesion. From the very start the team was suffering that ultimately resulting in very bad course score in the subject. Although, diversity if effectively utilize in most of the cases is regarded as synergy, creativity and better problem solving, however if members of the team lack shared vision and miscommunication that ultimately resulted in disintegrated efforts that essentially resulted in very poor grades for the writer as well as the rest of the team members (George & Jones, 2005).
What the writer has been concluded from the mentioned experience that it is vital that the group leader should ensure proper democratic processes within the group and every members of the group should be treated with respect. Efforts should always be directed towards building mutual trust and support (Alvesson & Willmott, 2003). The significance of this factor increases even further when the group members belong to different culture and have different do's and don’ts. Better communication is a mean through which the members of the group could not only better understand the diverse cultural factors of other members of the team, but also could be regarded as a mean through which each member of the group could let other to understand the culture of the other individuals (Gersick, 1988). However, in order to accomplish this objective there should be proper communication channels where everyone with the group should be given the chance to express his or her inner being. Unfortunately the mentioned group was missing this essential attribute and perhaps this was the reason that the group accomplished very low grades.
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