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2017-06-27 23:54

In my paper for writing assignment on drop out, supply side and demand side are really the influent factors for concerned problem over the field of basic education regarding to higher drop -out rate of poor students. This problem has been the focus of generation to generation particularly the education problem for dropping out in Cambodia. And the key factors are supply and demand side for poor students to access school.To make clear finding, explanation and discussion over the demand side and supply side, some ideas should be highlighted according to document and survey books provided online by Thomas Zimmermann, and I would like to raise some indicated suggestion or recommend from research found on how the government can reduce problem on drop out. It is the latter, of course, that is important for committing the appropriate policies to close education gender gaps.Reasonable assessment in this or same frameworks (Alderman & King, 1998; Rosenzweig& Schultz, 1982) can indicate why investments in girls' human capital are often lower than boys'. On the other factors to be the same for both sexes, daughters will get less schooling than sons if the remittance rate is higher out of son's wealth, if the marginal returns to schooling in the labor market are everywhere higher for boys than girls. Effective interconnection networking enables quality of higher education.We recommended that all the various-described above is going to determine the term "quality" in higher education. These dimensions are going to be measured in the after stages for seeing if Cambodian Higher Education replies to all the different-depicted in the literature. According to the term quality, interrelationship between both teacher and students can deal the problems shown in how well learners learn and how careful ways that teachers can take note on the progressively learning of students, moreover students can feel comfortable in accessing learning which requires quality in education. Chickering and Gamson (1987) conclude that socialize with others increase close growth in learning.
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