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惠灵顿assignment代写 跨国公司
2020-02-01 03:08

惠灵顿assignment代写 跨国公司
Generally, in the multinational companies, there exists a strength that is deemed national with bigger companies as the main bodies and in the light of foreign direct investment (FDI) that gain access to local enterprises, branches in some foreign countries or subsidiary companies (Cullen and Parboteeah 2014, p.62). More so, the multinational companies have a decision-making system that is complete by head office. Additionally, each branch and subsidiary of the company has its own body that is responsible for making decisions because of their difference in features and culture (Langenmayr 2013). However, these decisions must be typically made by the headquarters of decision making for review and considerations. To gain maximum profits, the multinational corporations are typical of identifying markets on the global scale, production layouts that are rational and production points that are fixed and professional.Multinational companies are said to have the most robust competitiveness in the world, because of the fund’s injections that facilitate the faster transfers across the borders, technical strength and a strong economy and much quicker and sophisticated ways of communication (Rolfe et al. 1993, p.336). Lastly, due to the advantages that are brought about by the production, technical and economic strength, most multinational companies that are big have differing levels of monopoly. The firms have huge finances and assets because they operate on a global scale and as a result, have a substantial financial and physical asset that allows for huge sales (Verbeke and Greidanus 2009, p.1477). Also, there is economic power that results from continued mergers and control of companies from the countries of investment.
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