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惠灵顿 assignment 代写:显著差异
2019-04-25 14:59

惠灵顿 assignment 代写:显著差异
There are a number of researchers studied on the perceptions of parental involvement perceived from difference participants such as parents, teachers, students, or children. The research of Veerle, and Nicole (2009) on 250 ten-year-old children in Flanders by using quantitative method showed that children seem to like their parents’ participations. Likewise, the study on a British multiethnic primary school, researched on teacher perceptions of Pakistani ESL children’s parent’s participation in their education. The results revealed that the ESL parents were very interested in their children’s learning (Rebaca, and Huss,1997). However, the parents’ perception of parents’ involvement in the governance of a Namibian rural school the data was gathered in three way; semi structured interview, observation, and document analysis. The result indicated that parents’ participation and their full association in making a decision was acknowledged to be important (Niitembu, 2007). On the other hand, Abd and Sabry (2003), using a sample of 300 students in an Egyptian high school, showed that student’s perception of parental association was found to differ significantly by type of parental participation and parents’ education level.It is important to review the research literature related to the topic of parental home -based involvement in their children’s study because it shows what the researcher have done in this topic area and it is an important map for the next research. Moreover, it shared the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the one being undertaken. Using Hun Sen and Jam Cook University library, Google Scholar-advanced search and some other websites such as Zunia.org, academia.edu, Eric, Unesco.org , several possible essential articles and journals have been found for my research topic area, but not many article or journal were found written in Cambodia context. Moreover, some recent articles and journals are needed to purchase, and it was difficult for researcher to get access to the articles. However, some considerable research studies have been conducted in this area to find out, determine, and promote parental involvement in their children’s learning. ​​ Keywords used for identifying the literature were divided into two categories, first, perceptions of parental involvement, second, effectiveness of parental involvement divided into four: parents involve in helping reading and writing, parents involve in checking and assisting homework, parents involve in creating home learning environment, and parents involve in monitoring children watching television. It is also addressed the parents’ beliefs about their involvement in those above activities in literature review.
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