
2018-10-02 01:06

汽车行业正面临原材料成本的定价压力,以及油价快速上涨导致消费者购买习惯的改变。G。M和其他汽车行业也面临来自公共交通部门的外部竞争,因为消费者会重新评估他们的私家车使用量。U。S是全球最大的轻型汽车、乘用车和轻型卡车消费市场,被通用汽车(General Motors)、福特汽车(Ford Motors)和戴姆勒/克莱斯勒(Daimler/Chrysler)三大汽车公司所征服。但最近,这三个行业的市场份额开始被业内其他竞争对手抢走。通用汽车正面临着福特汽车(Ford Motors)和戴姆勒/克莱斯勒(Daimler/Chrysler)等本土公司的激烈竞争,以及丰田汽车(Toyota Motors)和本田汽车(Honda Motors)等外国公司的竞争。2006年,通用汽车(General Motors)破产,多年来一直避免申请破产保护。多年来,该公司一直利用汽车作为剃须刀,每月向消费者出售一系列剃须刀片——以高利润汽车贷款的形式。其破产的原因在于,它们主要关注的是财务部门,而非it汽车设计业务。通用汽车的设计和制造质量都很差,与设计更好、质量更好、价格更低的竞争对手丰田(Toyota)相比,它花了很长时间来制造。过去,通用汽车控制了北美汽车市场的一半份额,但现在它只控制了19%,因为通用汽车一直忽视竞争,因为丰田和其他行业占据了市场份额。
automotive industry were experiencing a combination of pricing pressures from raw material cost and changes in consumer buying habits due to rapid rise in the price of oil. G.M and other automotive industries were also facing external competition from the public transport sector, as consumers re-evaluate their private vehicle usage. U.S is the world’s largest consumer market for light vehicles, passenger cars and light trucks which are conquered by big three companies i.e. General Motors, Ford Motors and Daimler/Chrysler. But recently these three industries were started to lose their market share to other rivals within the industry. General Motors are facing huge competition by domestic company such as Ford Motors and Daimler/Chrysler and also by foreign companies such as Toyota Motors and Honda Motors who are able to produce car much cheaper cost than General Motors.In 2006, General Motors has been bankrupted and has been avoiding a filing for years. For years it has been using cars as razors to sell consumers a monthly package of razor blades- in the form of highly profitable car loans. And the reasons for its bankruptcy are because they were focusing mostly on their finance division rather than it vehicle design operation. GM cars were poorly designed and build, took long time to manufacture as compare to its toughest competitor Toyota who has better designed and high quality and cheaper. In past GM controlled half of North America vehicle market but presently it has only 19 percent control as GM has been ignoring competition due to which Toyota and other industry took over the market share.