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2017-03-19 00:35

As such, Althusser believed that there was a point in Marx’s work where an ‘epistemological break’ occurred, which he saw as taking place with the writing of The German Ideology in 1845. It must be noted that Althusser was often contradictory on this matter. For example, he was forced to recant parts of this thesis when it was highlighted that much of Das Capital contained historicist influence. He did attempt to qualify this later by reiterating his belief that Marx’s work was not a set menu of ideological suppositions, but instead a long process of development. As such, he was able to neatly place his ideas within this broad framework whilst at the same time allowing for possible deviation.
Nonetheless, above all it was epistemology that drove Althusser’s conception. The innate study of knowledge and understanding that he adopted in his examination and exposition of Marxist theory did indeed build on traditional Marxist ideology. It not only successfully broke away from the deterministic approach, but also gave social scientists a new method of conceptualizing Marx’s work. On the issue of determinism, he unflinchingly departed from any Marxist thought seen before by rejecting the link between object and subject in a way that had never been done before. He suggested that the view held by classical economists that individual requirements can be understood in isolation from economic forces and as such form a basis for explaining Marx’s modes of production were redundant (Althusser, 1966; p.166). Instead, he asserted that the link between human beings needs and the economic environment that surrounds them was not the only force at work. In some deliberately vague ways he lent his support to the idea of social environment impacting and directing individual human development, however, he argued that what Marx actually meant in this regard was far more deep and complex. It was too simplistic to see individual needs as emanating from the surrounding environment and instead suggested that a binding theory that explained how human beings developed before their present condition was impossible.