
2017-03-13 01:02

欧盟一些成员国所享受到的好处对整个欧盟来说是鼓舞人心的。特别是,谈到英国,人们可以观察到,在20世纪90年代,从多个成员国加入欧盟的好处,这些成员国曾经是苏联的一部分。他们加入欧盟意味着他们的自由化,与他们的贸易变得更加方便。 受益于更多的成员在联盟已被看作是一个积极的迹象,在过去的英国。英国得益于新成员国的一种方式体现在其贸易增长的事实上。据统计,据了解,与欧盟新成员国的贸易占整个英国贸易的2%。据说这种贸易正在迅速增长[ 1 ]。 此外,据了解,从1993起,英国与新成员的贸易增加了百分之208。这一数字与英国与世界其他国家进行的贸易相比,值得百分之73。与这些成员加强贸易被认为是有利的,因为事实上,大多数行业的贸易是非关税的.


The benefits that some of the European Union’s ‘member states’ have enjoyed are encouraging for the union as a whole. Particularly, talking about the UK, one can observe that in the 1990s, the UK benefited from more members joining the union; these member states were once a part of the Soviet Union. By them joining the European Union meant that they were liberalized, and trade with them became more convenient.
Benefiting from more members in the union has been observed as a positive sign for the UK in the past. One way in which the UK has benefited from the new member states is reflected in the fact that its trade has grown. Statistically, it is known that trade with the new ‘member states’ of the European Union represents 2% of overall UK trade. It is said that this trade is growing quickly[1].
Additionally, it is known that from 1993 onwards, UK trade with the 10 new members increased by 208 percent. This figure is worth comparing with UK trade conducted with the rest of the world, which stands at 73 percent. Reinforcing trade with these members is seen as advantageous because of the fact that most sectors of trade are non-tariff ones