英国代写Assignment 人的吸引力

2016-12-17 10:47

有关条件之间的差异发现,类似于埃利森和她的同事发现的(2006)的研究中,本文发现,由于预期的信息验证,参与者报告低bmi指数在实验底保条件。随着潜在不满的期待,期望失验的函数,进一步解释这个结果是亚里士多德的黄金分割(Regnerus & Uecker,2006),之间需要一种平衡社会赞许性偏差和诚实。一方面,社会赞许性偏差预测,外貌可以增强社会吸引力,所以,个人可以更具竞争力,在一个网上约会环境(酒杯、1991)。作为一个主要组件的社会设置(华莱士,2001年,p . 20),外表吸引力”作为从人们推断出大量的信息,信息提示和/或错误的信息,”,反过来,它引发别人的“假设、期望、态度和行为”(2012年史密斯,p.64)对一个给定的个人,或许是不幸的。个人赋予更高的评价人的外貌被认为是更大(Eagly,安石,akhijani用&隆戈,1991)在时间的情况下,地理,文化,代表他们(帕兹,2006)。结果,那些拥有更高层次的外貌获得更积极的治疗比人与消极的或不受欢迎的表象。在各种社会环境研究检验了这样的后果。例如,高的人更有可能首先比较短的服务(帕兹,2006),和更多的好看的人甚至可以更容易雇佣了更多的吸引力人(Chiu &巴布科克,2002;Mariowe,施耐德,&尼尔森,1996)。

英国代写Assignment 人的吸引力

Concerning the difference found between conditions, similar to the findings of Ellison and her colleagues’ (2006) study, this thesis finds that, due to the anticipation of information verification, participants report lower BMIs in the experimental BPL condition.  Along with the anticipation of potential dissatisfaction, as a function of expectancy disconfirmation, a further explanation of this result is Aristotle’s Golden Mean (Regnerus & Uecker, 2006), where a balance is needed between social desirability bias and honesty.
On the one hand, social desirability bias predicts that physical attractiveness can enhance social attractiveness, so that individuals can be more competitive, in an online dating environment (Cann, 1991).  As a major component in social settings (Wallace, 2001, p. 20), physical attractiveness “serves as an informational cue from which people infer extensive information, and/or misinformation,” and, in turn, it triggers other people’s “assumptions, expectations, attitudes, and behaviors” (Smith, 2012, p.64) toward a given individual, perhaps unfortunately.  Individuals endow higher evaluations to people whose physical attractiveness is perceived to be greater (Eagly, Ashmore, Makhijani, & Longo, 1991) in the contexts of time, geography, and the cultures that represent them (Patzer, 2006).  As a result, people who possess a higher level of physical attractiveness obtain more positive treatment than their counterparts whom are associated with the negative or undesirable appearances.  Research has examined such consequences in various social settings.  For instance, taller people are more likely to be served first compared to shorter ones (Patzer, 2006), and more good-looking people can even be more likely to be hired more often than less attractive people (Chiu & Babcock, 2002; Mariowe, Schneider, & Nelson, 1996).