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悉尼代写assignment 探索实践
2020-09-09 23:14

悉尼代写assignment 探索实践
When exploring why restorative practices have begun to be implemented in schools, it is important to understand the perception that students and families. The study Racial and ethnic minority high school students’ perceptions of school disciplinary practices: A look at some Canadian findings discusses the perceptions that different students have and the possible implications of that. The study found that racial/ethnic minority students are much more likely than white students to perceive discrimination as it relates to teacher treatment, school suspension, and use of police by school leaders. Restorative practices take these perceptions and work to remove them. The conversations that exist within restorative practices are meant to address the harm that was caused and also create a plan moving forward. Another thing restorative practices do is give the student and victims a chance to accept responsibilities for actions as well as to have a voice in the process. Rather than just punish students, restorative practices work to teach students about accepting their actions and the impact their actions had on others.One type of restorative practices that have had a positive on both student behavior and academic achievement is the use of restorative circles. Restorative circles, also known as just circles, work by teaching students how to communicate and explain their point clearly. Circles are implemented by having all participants stand in a circle so that each person can be seen. A circle provides the notion that all people are equal and the teacher is not a facilatator but instead a participant of the process. Circles can be used to build relationships, academic purposes, and also to repair harm when it has occured. From a behavior perspective, students and teachers are both able to express their feelings, opinions, and consequences of their actions while listening to others and not being judged.
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