悉尼论文代写 美国CDC

2020-05-13 13:59

2016年,美国疾病控制与预防中心指出,从1999年到2016年,美国各州的自杀率都有所上升(疾病控制与预防中心,2015年)。精神健康问题通常是死亡的原因,但自杀几乎不是唯一的因素。心理健康问题包括情绪、心理和社会方面的问题,影响个人的思想、感受和行为。精神健康疾病,例如,抑郁和焦虑,被发现是自杀想法的最佳预测因子(Cheng, et al., 2010;& Tilley Kuroki, 2012;Wong, Browson, & Schwing, 2011;王,古,陈,赵,莫,2011)。AA和NHPI在寻求支持或专业帮助时遇到障碍,因为他们的文化与心理健康有关(Han & Pong, 2015;Masuda & Boone, 2011;Shimotsu et al., 2014)。根据美国国家暴力死亡报告系统(National Violent Death Reporting System), 2016年所有亚裔或太平洋岛民的自杀死亡者的年龄调整率为每10万人6.38人(CDC, 2016)。在693例死亡中,69.8%的亚洲/太平洋岛屿居民,非西班牙裔,2016年受害者的死亡是男性,30.2%是女性。有心理健康问题的人和没有心理健康问题的人之间也有区别。在全国范围内发现,没有任何精神健康状况的人“更有可能是男性,死于枪支”(CDC, 2015)。由于代表性不足,研究经常将AA和NHPI亚组合并成一个大的种族组。值得注意的是,在美国,自杀背后的问题主要是由于人际关系问题。关系问题的例子可能意味着与一个人的家庭或社区的冲突。
悉尼论文代写 美国CDC
In 2016, CDC noted there had been an increase of suicide in every state in the U.S. from 1999 through 2016 (CDC, 2015). Mental health problems are often a cause of death, but suicide is hardly a single factor. Mental health problems range from emotional, psychological, and social distraught affecting the individual is thinking, feelings, and behavior. Mental health illnesses, for example, depression and anxiety, are found as the best predictors of suicidal thought (Cheng, et al., 2010; Kuroki, & Tilley,2012; Wong, Browson, & Schwing, 2011; Wong, Koo, Tran, Chiu, &Mok, 2011). AA and NHPI encounter barriers in seeking support or professional help due to the stigmas associated with mental health in their culture (Han & Pong, 2015; Masuda & Boone, 2011; Shimotsu et al., 2014). According to the National Violent Death Reporting System, all death victims of suicide in 2016 who racially identify as Asian or Pacific Islander had an age-adjusted rate of 6.38 per 100,000 (CDC, 2016). Of the 693 deaths, 69.8% of the Asian/ Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic, victims’ deaths in 2016 were male, and 30.2% are female. There is also a difference between people with mental health problems/conditions and without. It was found, nationally, that people who didn’t identify having any mental health conditions “were more likely to be male and die by firearm” (CDC, 2015).  Often studies combine AA and NHPI subgroups into one large racial group due to underrepresentation. It’s noted the problem behind suicide in the U.S. is predominately due to relationship problems. Examples of relationship problems could mean conflict with a person’s family or community.