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Research Paper代写:食品名称研究
2017-01-26 15:29

Based on this, when a food product is identified by a more or less healthful according to its product’s name, the researchers in the article point out that when evaluating the healthfulness of certain food product, dieters are likely to judge from the information that the food product’s name presents to them, while nondieters have no this tendency.
The hypotheses in this research are that researchers expect dieters to engage in heuristic processing and to rely on the product name when evaluating foods, while nondieters’ evaluations are insensitive to changes in the product name. There is an important point should be noticed that the researchers do not believe the reason why nondieters are immune to the impact of food name is that they tend to evaluate foods more systematically than dieters. In fact, researchers argue because nondieters have no motivation to spontaneously evaluate the healthfulness of food products, they also have no associations between certain food products and healthfulness. These are why food product name possesses no influence on nondieters. As a result, when both dieters and nondieters systematically process the information about certain food product, the researchers expect that nonodieters’ health perception can mirror those of dieters. As such, researchers posit that dieters’ reliance on name-based heuristics and nondieters’ insensitivity to food cues are the two factors that make differences between dieters’ and nondieters’ perceptions of food product’s healthfulness.
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