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Psychology Assignment代写:心理学的研究
2017-02-06 14:11

Psychology Assignment代写:心理学的研究
This study recruited 116 third year psychology students from the University of Sydney to explicitly investigate the links between judgment accuracy, confidence and other decision-making factors.The projects broad aim is to therefore investigate the nature of, and relationships between, individual differences in cognitive ability, metacognitive judgment confidence and decision-making behaviour across cognitive and decision-making domains. Results The descriptive statistics and reliability estimates (Cronbach’s alpha) for all variables are presented in Table 1. Mean accuracy ratings were highest for the APM, followed by the EA, MDMT and GK. This implies that on average, subjects performed the best on Advanced Progressive Matrices compared to other tests in the current study. However, differences between the accuracy of judgments between tests are remarkably small. The mean of accuracy scores for MDMT and all three cognitive tests were 58.25 and 61.8 respectively. Therefore, participants on average; were able to accurately diagnose and treat over half of the patients and provided approximately 62% of correct responses to the cognitive tests. It is noteworthy that all the tests were reasonably difficult since all the arithmetic mean of accuracy scores fell within the range of 55 to 65. The tests were also considered to contain sufficient variance of scores; the mean variations across four tests were more salient in the confidence scores than the accuracy scores. Consistent with previous results, the reliabilities for all the accuracy measures in both medical decision-making test and three cognitive ability tests are within acceptable levels for research purposes. In particular, MDMT yielded the greatest accuracy reliability estimates (a = .89). Of interest of the present study, all tests exhibited a general over-confidence bias, whereas APM and GK showed reasonably well calibration. Calibration in judgment situations, refers to the degree to which confidence matches accuracy.Among these four experiments, we can see a obvious phenomenon that there is a correlation between accuracy and confidence , the more confident,the higher accuracy. All the same,participants show better Gf and GC durning those experiment which they feel confident.The result are in line with the second hypothesis.The poorest calibration was shown in EA among all tests with a difference score between Confidence and Accuracy of 11.74, as well as score of 10 in MDMT. Surprisingly, participants were also in over-confidence region, but demonstrated almost perfect calibration in APM. However, it has been proposed that MDMT showed the second confidence score,while the score was second to last.We can draw a conclusion from the Decision-making column:The more confident participants are, the easier it will be to make a decision.This is the role played by what we focused metacognitive. Decision-making confidence and accuracy,mix with each other positively correlated.However, we can find that the number of SD of the EA test is always the smallest compared with other tests, it is namely , the Gf and Gc reflected by the verbal ability is more stable than other capacity. The results of decision-making,the mean of EA test is higher and the SD is smaller,which looks like fine,however, the α is smaller . MDMT experiment data is 0.79, 0.2, 0.9,respectively.Also, reliability estimates for all the confidence ratings were high to excellent.
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