
2018-12-16 15:33

另一个界限是社会阶层。“社会阶层”这个词用来描述人口的不同部分是如何被组合在一起的。这些群体被认为共享大致相同水平的资源和相似的生活方式。一般用五个社会或职业类别的书记官长(RG)比额表来表示类别的成员资格,但也使用其他社会-经济集团分类制度。主要的分界线是体力劳动(工人阶级)和非体力劳动(中产阶级)职业,尽管应该指出,这两类人的生活方式和物质财富的范围可能有很大的差异。“定义社会阶层的主要群体有四个,它们是;上层阶级——占人口的5%至10%,包括公司董事、金融家和高级公务员。作为一个群体,上层阶级拥有国家财富的一大部分。中产阶级中上层占总人口的25%至30%,包括专业人士、高级经理和经营小企业的人。这些团体有时被称为专业管理阶层。中产阶级下层占总人口的35%至40%,其中包括受雇于商店和办公室的白领工人。这一群人可称为个人服务阶级,最后一类是工人阶级,他们占人口的35 - 40%,包括在重工业、制造业、运输业或农业工作的熟练或不熟练的体力劳动者”(Trowler 1995:139)。社会阶层对父母选择送孩子去哪所学校有着巨大的影响,也影响着父母与学校的关系。
Another boundary is social class. The words ‘Social Class’ are used to describe how different segments of the population may be grouped together. These groups are considered to share roughly the same level of resources and similar styles of living. Class membership is generally indicated by the use of the Registrar Generals’ (RG) Scale of five social or occupational categories, though other systems of classification of socio – economic groups are used. The main dividing line is between manual (working class) and non – manual (middle class) occupations, although it should be noted that the range of lifestyles and material wealth within these two groups can vary considerably. “There are four main groups that define social class, these are; upper class – made up of between 5 and 10 per cent of the population, including company directors, financiers, senior civil servants. As a group the upper class own a substantial part of the nation’s wealth. The upper middle class, these are made up if 25 -30 per cent of the population, including professionals, senior managers and those running small businesses. The groups are sometimes referred to as the professional – managerial class. Lower middle class, is made up of 35 – 40 per cent of the population, including white – collar workers who are employed in shops and offices. This group may be referred to as the personal service class and the final class is the working class, this is made up of 35 – 40 cent of the population, including manual workers who may be skilled or unskilled, working in heavy industry, manufacturing, transport or agriculture” (Trowler 1995:139). Social class has a huge influence on which school a parent chooses to send the children and also shapes the relationship between parent and school.