新西兰代写assignment 印第安纳教育

2021-01-15 20:46


新西兰代写assignment 印第安纳教育

 Today, the Center for Postsecondary Research at the Indiana University School of Education, which publishes the Carnegie Classifications based on statistics derived from the federal government’s IPEDS statistics on degree completion and conferral categorizes most of these institutions as “Baccalaureate Colleges” or “Master’s Colleges or Universities,” where the division between the two definitions falls at awarding fewer than 50 masters degrees or 20 doctoral degrees annually  (The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, n.d.).  Using, the 2015 data, 572 of the 4665 institutions listed fell into the Baccalaureate Colleges category In terms of governance, Four-Year Colleges generally are private institutions, and as such, are controlled by a board of directors or trustees, who are the nominal owners of the institution.  The American Association of University Professors statement on governance of institutions serves as the standard for most decision-making, especially at Four-Year Colleges.  It lays out the roles of the Board – to focus on the future of the institution and ensure it is meeting its mission; the President – to serve as the chief strategic and executive officer; and the faculty – to oversee the curriculum, instruction, faculty status, and students’ interaction with the education (American Association of University Professors 1966).  While this shared governance is the norm, the actual locus of power over the college or may ebb and flow over time, especially in times of crisis or change.  First, trustees may take an involved role in the decision-making of the institution leading to trustee activism where their focus is on their interests or prerogatives instead of the faculty.  On the other hand, a strong president model may exist where decisions are made from the top down through administrators rather than collectively.