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新西兰assignment代写 私立学校
2020-11-30 15:17

新西兰assignment代写 私立学校
Bowden house School has an important advantage over the mainstream setting as students can get targeted and provided with specialist interventions. They can have immediate access to advice from CAMHS and other psychological services if required. Bowden House School has a specific emotional wellbeing intervention team; this includes an onsite qualified therapeutic councillor, CAHMS councillor, mental health first aiders and nurture staff. The mainstream school does not have the resources to offer all these services, especially when a student is in crisis. Maslow’s (1979) hierarchy of needs second level, after physiological needs, are safety needs. The student will not be in a position to learn unless they feel safe. Students with SEMH usually have a heightened state of arousal which leads to them being constantly hypervigilant. Once they feel safe, they are more able to learn. Bowden House School, works towards ‘consistent principles, flexible practice’. Subsequently students are all treated fairly but not necessarily equally, dependent on their level of need. The mainstream secondary school is more rigid and inflexible, therefore cannot always meet the immediate needs of a student in crisis. Staff at both schools build meaningful relationships with the students but the specialist provision has more flexibility and staff expertise to meet their needs. A child in crisis at the mainstream school assaults another student; the school policy is inflexible, and the student is excluded. In a specialist setting flexible practice will allow other options, dependent on the student’s needs. Bowden House School uses restrictive physical intervention with students when required as the students have very complex needs. The mainstream secondary would not have the trained staff to use this behaviour intervention with SEMH students so again once the students behaviour spirals with more damage, injury or destruction as the staff have no way of safely restraining the student to deescalate the situation.
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