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新西兰护理assignment代写 婴儿照顾
2020-04-21 20:27

新西兰护理assignment代写 婴儿照顾
As Bella gets older there will be different care needs she will require. When she is a baby one of her care needs is that she will need to go to the doctors for the jabs these will help to protect her against nasty infections such as measles and tetanus. As Bella gets older she will have many different care needs. If she develops a mental health issue she will have a social worker visit her at her house to see how she is doing and whether she is progressing. Another care needs Bella might require is health visits from the district nurse because she might have a health issue that can become serious. When Bella reaches late adulthood her health might deteriorate because she has got older. In her late adulthood, she could develop health problems such as diabetes or heart trouble. These health issues could result in her having too much sugar or an unbalanced diet which is also putting a strain on her heart. The importance of responding to the factors regarding an individual’s growth and development is to try and help to prevent these factors from affecting the growth and development of an individual. One of the factors that can be responded to is drugs and alcohol. This can be responded to by changing your lifestyle choices. If the health care practitioners are really concerned about the growth and development of an individual they might have to take them away from their parents or carers to give them a better lifestyle, so they reach their full potential. Another factor that health and social care services can respond to is the amount of exercise an individual does in a day or in a week. A way to help them so they are completing enough exercise tasks is the health practitioners could go to the gym with them and participate to give them a little bit of encouragement or just sit there and record what they complete to see if they make progress in the future. Another way to help them so they don’t put on so much weight is to help them control their calories in their meals. This could be completed by recording the calories in each meal and eating as little sugar as possible.
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