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新西兰教育学作业代写 美德伦理学
2020-03-24 02:27

新西兰教育学作业代写 美德伦理学
In the past two decades Aristotle’s virtue ethics and his theory of moral education, have both received positive attention from the educational community (Curren, R. 2010). However, Curren stated that the strongest argument for public education is to be found in Aristotle’s Politics he believes that Aristotle argument for the equitable provision of education remains compelling to this day (Curren, R. 2010). By my research, Jonas states that “what is surprising about this trend is that Plato and Aristotle have the similar conception to moral education” (Jonas, M. 2015 pp 302). He states that both Plato and Aristotle believe in the following: the necessity of practising the virtues if one is to live a happy, flourishing life. The necessity of habituation and practise if one is to embody the virtues. The need to have wise and virtuous ideals upon whom one can model one’s life and form whom one can learn to distinguish virtuous from vicious actions (Jonas, M. 2015, pp 302). Jonas states that Plato is not identical to Aristotle and examining the ways that he is different might prove useful for rethinking moral education. As it stands these ideas remain hidden by the aforementioned misconceptions. The rehabilitation of Plato’s reputation may enable future researches in moral education to discover new avenues for exploring how best cultivate virtues in students (Jonas, M. 2015 pp 303). It is clear to see that by formulating the supposed misconceptions in the first place, that Jonas himself could be casting a shadow over Plato’s philosophy.By undertaking this paper we can see that educational theorist are interested in Socrates moral philosophy, therefore implies that they are in fact still interested in Plato’s dialogues. However, Jonas clearly emphasis that Plato’s philosophy should be interpreted carefully, so his theory of moral education does not become unnoticed by Aristotle’s theory of moral education.
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