
2019-04-23 03:38

基础教育是指儿童在开始上学的几年里所接受的义务教育的第一阶段。这种教育有特定的目标,以满足儿童的特殊需要。完成初等教育所需的时间因州而异,例如在加拿大和美国等国,一旦儿童开始上学,初等教育的时间为6至7年。尽管这种教育是强制性的,但它可以在家里由父母提供。这种教育的好处不可低估,所有的努力都是为了确保这种教育得到普遍认可(Cohen & Malin, 2010)。本文论述了基础教育的重要性。教育可以被认为是社会拥有的最重要的资产,因为知识是人们在任何情况下都不会丢失的无价财富,知识分享得越多,进步得就越快。因此,基础教育是获得基础知识的基础,没有基础知识,新西兰代写assignment:教育基础孩子们的梦想就不可能实现。基础教育可以比作一个人在生活中迈出的第一步,如果不先学会走路,就不可能跑步.
Elementary education refers to the first phase of compulsory education that children obtain during the few years of starting schooling. This education has specific goals that meet the special needs that children have. The period taken to complete this primary education differs from state to state, for instance in countries like Canada and the United States, elementary education goes for a period of six to seven years once children have begun schooling. In spite of the fact that this education is compulsory, it can be offered at home by parents. The benefits of this education cannot be underestimated and all efforts are directed at ensuring that this education gets universally recognized (Cohen & Malin, 2010). This essay discusses the importance of elementary education.Education can be considered to be the most vital asset that the society has because knowledge is the priceless wealth that people will never mislay under any circumstances, and the further the knowledge gets shared, the further it will advance. Therefore, elementary education forms the foundation for gaining basic knowledge without which the dream of children will become impossible. Elementary education can be compared to the first stride that a person takes in life, it is impossible for people to run without first learning how they can walk