
2019-02-11 02:36

CRM主要包括广泛的知识、技能和态度,这些是飞行中的主要人为因素(Aviation knowledge, 2010)。它包括广泛的因素,如沟通、情景意识、解决问题、决策、团队合作,以及许多其他与机组人员在飞行中相关的因素。这些因素并不是新航空,但他们已经认识很长一段时间以来航空开始和在一般条款表示像“飞行术”,“队长”,“机组人员合作”,和其他许多人,但从来没有被人为错误时需要注意直到最近被公认为航空安全的主要因素。因此将考虑所有这些方面,CRM可以被定义为一个利用可用的资源管理系统,主要设备、程序和人民,为了提高安全性和效率在飞行CRM不是多关心航班操作的技术知识和技能,而是它的目的是,减少人为错误,提高人类反应的安全漏洞在飞行(皇家航空学会,2010)。因此,CRM关注的是管理飞行所必需的认知和人际交往技能。它的目标是利用机组人员的认知和人际交往能力来提高安全和效率。认知技能包括用于获得情境意识的心理过程,这在解决问题和立即做出决定时非常重要。另一方面,人际交往能力主要包括沟通和其他可以增强团队合作的行为技能。在航空领域,这些技能主要是偶尔的拦截和重叠,以及技术技能。
CRM mainly encompass a wide range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which are major human factors during flight (Aviation Knowledge, 2010). It encompass a wide range of factors like communication, situational awareness, problem solving, decision making, teamwork, and many others which are pertinent to cabin crew during flight. These factor are not new in aviation but they have been recognized for a long time since aviation began and have been expressed in general terms like ‘airmanship’, ‘captaincy’, ‘crew co-operation’, and many others but have never been given the needed attention until recently when human errors were recognized as major factor in aviation safety. Putting into consideration all these aspects, CRM can therefore be defined as a management system which make use the resources available, mainly equipments, procedures and people, in order to enhance safety and efficiency during flight CRM is not concerned much with the technical knowledge and skills in flight operation but rather it aims and reducing human errors and enhancing human response in case of safety breach during flight (The Royal Aeronautical Society, 2010). CRM is therefore concerned with cognitive and interpersonal skills which are necessary to manage flight. It targets to harness cognitive and interpersonal skills of the crew to enhance safety and efficiency. Cognitive skills encompass the mental processes which are used to gain situational awareness, which are important in solving problems and taking immediate decisions. On the other hand, interpersonal skills mainly encompass communication and other behavior skills that enhance teamwork. In aviation, these skills mainly intercept and overlap now and then, together with the technical skills.