
2018-10-27 00:21

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions soon became problematic to reconcile with Popper’s theory of falsification as Kuhn’s historical account about how scientists operate came into conflict with Popper’s work. The emphasis Kuhn placed on scientific communities, their rules and expectations, was used to explain why scientists were not always willing to refute and actively search for falsifications of their theories. Unlike what Popper claimed, the scientific communities would not question the paradigm they work within until a particular anomaly was repeated. Instead, they might question their own calculations or instruments implemented, but never the broader framework they operate within. Popper’s reaction to Kuhn’s severe criticism was veritably weak. He simple asserted that Kuhn’s accurate historical account of science ‘clashes with the facts as I see them.’ [35] According to Kuhn, falsification has not been in use in the past for the reasons highlighted above. Popper’s rebuttal to this was that he, unlike Kuhn, had not focused on providing a historical account but on providing guidelines for future scientists. He also criticises Kuhn for producing a highly selected theory, one which ‘disregarded large chunks of ‘normal science.