
2018-05-04 00:10

In a nine-month calendar school, the occupation of teaching can be incredibly stressful. Teachers who don't earn enough money solely through their teaching career sometimes choose to work at another part-time job to make up for it, creating added stress in their lives. Working an additional job while also teaching a class can take the teacher's focus away from the classroom. The stress of working two jobs may affect the teaching ability of these teachers. Another cause of anxiety for teachers are the nine months of school, which do not end for more than two weeks at a time. Constant teaching without breaks in between causes stress which builds up over time, and is only relieved during the summertime.The last major difference between a year-round school and a regular nine-month school is the education which each school can provide to its student body. A year-round school can provide a superior education for its students. For instance, the larger enrollment, which is made possible by the usage of separate class tracks, provides more money for benefitting the school. This money can mean that teachers of a higher caliber are hired. The purchase of new high-quality learning materials, such as books or art supplies, is provided for.