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2017-02-17 01:25

But construction of the coupled identity is not simply left to the two people involved. In some research about the new reality of relationships, like coupling, is reinforced through “objectivities”. Every social relationship requires objectivities. It represents a process by which subjectively experienced meanings become objective to the individual and, in interaction with others, become common property and thereby massively objective. The degree of objectivities will depend on the number and the intensity of the social relationships that are its carriers.
The opposite side of romance is the “contingency love”. Contingency is not like romantic love. While romance involves the very notion of foreverness, contingency is lack of such notion. It concerned with love and intimacy being contingent, rather than being simply forever. Such contingency is very close to Giddens’s (1992) “confluent love”. Here he argues that romantic love ideals usually be fragmented under female’s increased autonomy. He connected the confluent love to young females’ rising autonomy which derived from equality or equal opportunities in high education. Thus, the relationship between women’s high education and romantic love could be illustrated. At least, it is obvious that there is a strong link between the education status and the love pattern of young women.The concomitant product here is also Heath’s argument that the higher education is strongly linked with the increased diversity within intimacy. She refers to diversity in the timing of the formation of intimate relationships and families and the emergence of a new type of intimate relationship, straight or gay cross-household relationships and argues that people do not freely choose different types of intimacy (Heath, 1999). That is, rather than individuals all simply exercising ‘free’ choice within the sphere of intimacy, for example, choosing to live together, choosing to marry, choosing to live together to ‘test’ a relationship prior to marriage, different choices are related to different circumstances.