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新西兰市场作业代写 恢复生产
2020-05-23 11:01

新西兰市场作业代写 恢复生产
As factories resume production, they often struggle to work at full capacity as they are still missing a large amount of the original employees. Sometimes factories recommence manufacture with only 35% of the workforce back, as mentioned in the evidence above, the Chinese New Year’s holidays is the climax of job changers. Unfortunately for manufacturers, depending on the trend of the labor market, some of those employees possibly will never return. This uncertainty is the most significant out of the many problems Chinese factories face after the Spring Festival. Given, the development of the labor market is currently decided by the workers, and large numbers do not consider returning as they explore and discover opportunities nearer to home or more profitable ones. This fact indicates that each year the factory drops considerable portions of its workforce and its essential to fill the void, but more importantly train the employees to avoid potential quality issues. This, along with the excessiveness of back-orders received during the Spring Festival, increases the amount of time needed for manufacture. Something that also need to be noted is that some suppliers, including the ones that are not as occupied, takes advantage of this and uses the Chinese New Year as a justification for below average production rates. The larger factories, who are working at its maximum capability however, may subcontract to smaller factories to reach minimum requirements. Quality of the product may become an issue. As the smaller-sized factories do not typically have the same quality measure processes to mirror the product quality or efficiency of the larger factories. One more important factor that possibly caused the decline of production rate is the shortage of raw materials as raw material suppliers have their own backlog and hence factories cannot proceed with the production until they get these materials.
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