Literature Review代写:管理变革

2017-02-26 00:26

本文将处理管理变革。从长远来看,改变是促进整个世界发展的积极因素。然而,改变的过程可能是一件艰难的事情。如今,新事物迅速出现,为了适应新形势,人们需要接受变化,特别是政府和管理的变化,这将影响一个国家或一个行业的和谐与繁荣。本文将以外交部和贸易部的变革为例,说明变革会因阻力而有所不同,而不成熟的计划也有助于失败。 变革是推动改善和发展的动力。它有助于建立创新和创新的回报更高的生产力和效率的组织内。变革领导推动并积极支持创新与创新。思想观念的转变在每一个行业都是重要的(Kotter,2007)。新西兰外交与贸易部首席执行官John Allen 2008年前抵达全国党不到一年,当时全球金融危机开始。因此,公共服务的变化和货币价值的控制计划是最重要的问题。以全球背景下考虑,在多源性房性心动过速的管理应该是发展变化的,尤其是领导和管理,公司的战略和目标,部。财政和资源管理和领导作为最坏的部。

Literature Review代写:管理变革

This paper will deal with change in management. Change is a positive thing which promotes the development of the whole world in the long run. However, the processes of change can be a tough thing. Nowadays, new things emerges rapidly, in order to adapt to new situations, people need to accept change, especially change in government and management which will influence the harmony and prosperity of a country or an industry. This paper will take change at the ministry of foreign affairs and trade as an example to illustrate that change can be different because there will be resistance against it, and immature plan can also contribute to a failure.
Change is the power to drive improvement and development. It helps to build creativities and innovations which in return contribute to higher productivity and efficiency within an organization. Changing leadership promotes and actively supports creativity and innovation. The ideas of change are important in every industry (Kotter, 2007). John Allen, Chief Executive of the New Zealand ministry of foreign affairs and trade, arrived less than one year after the national party won enough seats in 2008, at that time, global financial crisis began. So the plan of change in public service and control of value of money were the most important issues. Take the global context into consideration, the management in MFAT should be changed and developed, especially leadership and management, vision, strategy and purpose of the ministry. The financial and resource management and the leadership acted as the worst part in the ministry.