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Law Assignment代写:索赔行业
2017-02-22 15:57

Law Assignment代写:索赔行业
For the last few years, the claims industry is getting strength. Whiplash claims resulting from accidents on roads or work places are among the other forms of accident claims or injury claims. Here whiplash claims arise while in case of injury to the neck due to fault of someone else and both the affected drivers as well as passengers could claim for whiplash injuries. Whiplash injuries usually happen due to accidents in cars on roads, air turbulence in planes, abruptly felling down and also from some sports related accidents. Usually, such injuries do not show their signs instantly but may take few days to come on the surface.
According to the Association of British Insurers, nearly 1,500 people claim for whiplash injury every day. Although, the number of road accidents are falling but despite of this, a rise of about 25% in reported whiplash injuries, has been seen, in the last four years. Whiplash claims cost £2 billion annually, with an extra £90 annual addition to the average motor insurance premium. According to estimations, nearly 70% of road accident personal injury claims are for whiplash in the UK, while it is 47% in Germany, 32% in Spain and only 3% in France, and that is the reason UK is known as Whiplash Capital of Europe.However, it is considered that a number of whiplash injuries are frauds. Authenticity to such accident claims can be given from evidence and a report from the medical expert.
James Dalton, the ABI’s Assistant Director of Motor and Liability, noted:
“We believe our proposals offer the best cure for the UK’s whiplash epidemic. Insurers want to make it simpler and quicker for genuine whiplash claimants to get fair compensation. But whiplash is notoriously difficult to diagnose, which means that for too many people it has become the fraud of choice.”
Usually, the insurance companies approach the injured person and give them required compensation without any involvement of legal representation. However, injured people can search for a huge number of claim services by looking online that are cost free and usually work in such a way that the task would not become complicated for the person who is applying for such injury claims. Looking for such services could be beneficial due to the possibility of deception of insurance companies by giving lesser amount to the injured person than the required amount.
Online services can help and will not demand fees forcefully unless the case is on the side of the applicant, i.e. no win no fee option. They also assure the applicant for getting 100% of the compensation claim in case of success.
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