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History Assignment代写:历史和性别
2017-02-12 00:53

History Assignment代写:历史和性别
Yet at times it could be argued that the attributes of females came in handy during a Queen’s time as ruler. For instance, Elizabeth would use the women trope to her advantage while at other times manipulating male traits to suit her case. While portraying herself as mother or wife to the nation, in the political sphere she would sit her sexuality on the fence – a political hermaphrodite. The Tilbury speech is perhaps the most obvious example of this manipulation of both male and female gendered traits. Though we are uncertain of just how truthful the Tilbury account is, if we take it at face value Elizabeth appeared to defend her strength and rulership by claiming “I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too”[15]. It was believed that Elizabeth had learnt from Mary’s mistakes and therefore acted in a way which she believe would please the public while “exploiting her gender to render herself more powerful, more able to command loyalty, than she might have done if she were a man”[16] and through doing this she managed a relatively successful and long reign as Queen. However manipulation of gender traits was not the only key to success as a Female King.
A long and successful reign would rely on the King or Queen being able to hold power as monarch, and to be able to show their legitimacy and authority. The coronation of the monarch was a major ceremony used to show the coming of a new ruler. A Monarch’s coronation was “steeped in liturgy of the medieval church and the devotional logic of kingship […] relied upon for broadcasting their legitimacy and divinity”[17]. It was relied upon heavily despite the ‘King’s two bodies’, the idea that the physical and spiritual body of a king remain separate. This meant that even though the King dies for he is human, the spiritual body of Kingship would be passed on as “a symbol of his office as majesty with the divine right to rule”[18]. Yet there remained in the eyes of the people a “need for and a belief in a moment of ‘transferences’”[19]. Quite significantly, the coronation proceedings were almost universal for both King and Queen, the same routine was followed despite the gender of the monarch and the same Latin prayers and hymns sung. In Mary’s second parliament of reign she enforced a statute that “ungendered the Crown and declared that a queen’s authority was identical to that of a king.”[20] With the crown ungendered it was suited to both male and female rulers. In 1559 the coronation of Elizabeth I would “have been recognisable to those who witnessed her grandfather’s ceremony in 1458”[21]. This similarity between the two coronations shows the lack of emphasis on gender during the ceremony and therefore the similarity between coronation for both King and Queen as ruler. This similarity in proceedings does not mean, however, that there was equal acceptance for either Male or Female ruler, while routine stays the same the opinion of the public and of the authorities may have changed. Routine coronation was most probably due to tradition and expectation rather than a progression to the acceptance of a Female King.
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