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2020-01-08 14:58

It has been suggested that distributed leadership is neither a model nor a style but instead a way of thinking about leadership. This moves attention away from the traditional focus on one’s individual skills and competencies (Spillane, 2005). During my research into The Kings Fund, I have come to learn that it too rejects the notion that there must be a leader and a follower. It supports Spillane’s (2005) ideology that the focus should shift onto the relationships and interactions between those at all levels of an organisation. It believes that collective leadership, as opposed to command-and-control structures, provides the optimum basis for caring cultures (The Kings Fund, 2019). One of the programmes created by The Kings Fund was put in place to help health care professionals work more collaboratively with patient leaders. This includes doctors, clinicians, practice managers and patients. The aim of the programme is to help those aforementioned to build productive relationships and explore how different roles and perspectives can be a constructive force for change.In addition to Spillane’s (2005) ideas, Bennett et al, (2003) identifies three main elements of distributed leadership. Firstly, when applied, distributed leadership increases the number of individuals with designated leadership roles within an organisation. In comparison, The Kings Fund sees leadership as a team effort. It accepts that the ‘NHS boards bear ultimate responsibility for developing strategies for coherent, effective and forward-looking collective leadership’ (The Kings Fund, 2018). When evaluating this for the purpose of analysis, I like to think that when individuals work together in a way that their expertise is pooled, the result is a product of strength and vigor that is greater than the sum of similar actions carried out by individuals. However, it is worth noting that distributed leadership does have some limitations. A distribution of leadership can only work if everyone is on board with the concept. It must be channeled from the most senior level in an organisation. This way, if it is promoted and practiced at a senior level, there is more chance that the concept will be successfully adopted by individuals.
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