迪肯Assignment代写 印象管理

2016-12-16 08:08

专业介导相亲有着悠久的、一致的历史至少到20世纪以来(奇科夫,2003)在报纸和广播约会很受欢迎(沃尔& Cosby,1987),而通常这种做法已经练习在世界各地的各种亚文化几百年来(2008年Dasgupta)。在现代社会,科技进步和更大的社会距离重振我们倾向自我扭曲事实来增强吸引力和改善印象强加于人,当搜索日期(Zytko、Grandhi &琼斯,2014)。反过来,这些现象已经再度呼吁探索印象管理策略。

印象管理理论(见,例如。,泰德,1981;Leary &科瓦尔斯基,1981)系统地预测和解释了我们试图控制的解释自己,尽管可能最早阐述这样一个现象,是用在通信领域,是由·高夫曼(1959)认为,我们认为自己是演员或女演员在舞台上玩的生活,,目的是传达各种版本的自己,为了唤起别人的期望的反应。

迪肯Assignment代写 印象管理

Professional mediated matchmaking has a long, consistent history at least since late-twentieth century (Schaefer, 2003) when newspaper and radio dating were popular (Woll & Cosby, 1987), while generally such a practice has been practiced within various subcultures around the world for hundreds of years (Dasgupta, 2008).  In modern society, technological advances and greater social distance have reinvigorated our tendencies to distort facts about ourselves to enhance attraction and improve impressions upon others, when searching for a date (Zytko, Grandhi, & Jones, 2014).  Those phenomena, in turn, have renewed a call for exploring impression management strategies.
Impression management theory  (see, e.g., Tedeschi, 1981; Leary & Kowalski, 1990) systematically predicts and explains our attempts to control interpretations of ourselves, although perhaps the earliest pontification of such a phenomenon, as used within the field of communication, was provided by Goffman (1959) who believed that we see ourselves as actors or actresses playing on the stage of life, with an aim to convey various versions of ourselves, in order to evoke desired responses from others.