
2017-04-20 01:55

除信托工具的任何规定外,受托人可以在其完全有权获得信托资产的情况下进行任何投资。这就是所谓的投资的一般力量。总电源本身并不会给受托人权力对土地进行投资(除抵押土地贷款);受托人仍然给出一个独立的权力,在英国获得永久产权或租赁土地的8(1)(一)。土地可以作为投资获得,也可以为信托受益人提供土地。购买或保留土地作为投资,标准投资标准和审查投资的义务适用,这些讨论后。第34条受托人法第2000条包含受托人保证信托财产免受损失或损害的权力。保险费可能是出于资金支付或收入的信托基金,但任何保险收到的款项由受托人如果被要求赔偿,将形成资本公积金部分。投资总功率是投资任何明示权力增加,但受任何限制或排除信托文件可能包含(S. 6(1))。例如,如果信托票据中的投资条款规定受托人只能投资于伦敦证券交易所所引用的股票,那么该法案的一般投资权将被那些明示的话排除在外。
Subject to any provisions in the trust instrument, a trustee may make any kind of investment that he could make if he were absolutely entitled to the trust assets. This is known as the general power of investment. The general power does not of itself give trustees a power to make investments in land (other than loans secured on land); trustees are nevertheless given a separate power to acquire freehold or leasehold land in the United Kingdom under s 8 (1) (a). Land can be acquired as an investment or to provide a home for a beneficiary of the trust. Where land is being purchased or retained as an investment, the standard investment criteria and duty to review investments applies and these are discussed later. Section 34 of the Trustee Act 2000 contains a power for trustees to insure trust property against the risk of loss or damage. Insurance premiums may be paid out of either the capital or the income of the trust fund, but any insurance monies received by the trustees if a claim has been made, will form part of the capital fund.The general power of investment is additional to any express powers of investment, but is subject to any restriction or exclusion that the trust instrument may contain (s. 6(1)). So for example, if an investment clause in the trust instrument provided that the trustees could only invest in shares quoted on the London Stock Exchange, the general power of investment in the Act would have been excluded by those express words.